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Saturday, 4 June 2011

Children Who Bully Or Have Aggressive Behavior Are Twice As Likely To Have Sleep Problems

 Kids who are bullies or have conduct problems at school are more likely to be sleepy during the day according to researchers at University of Michigan Medical School.

The study looked at elementary school students in some Michigan public schools who had exhibited conduct problems like bullying or discipline incidents and found that there was a link between these issues and their amount or quality of sleep.

"What this study does is raise the possibility that poor sleep, from whatever cause, can indeed play into bullying or other aggressive behaviors -- a major problem that many schools are trying to address," says Louise O'Brien, Ph.D., assistant professor in U-M's Sleep Disorders Center and the departments of Neurology and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. "Our schools do push the importance of healthy eating and exercise, but this study highlights that good sleep is just as essential to a healthy lifestyle."

The sleepiness experienced by the children in the study could be caused by sleep-disordered breathing but also by many other factors like chaotic home environments, disrupted sleep or not enough sleep because of too much electronic stimulus from televisions, cell phones or computers in the bedroom.

Although there are other reasons for these behaviors, if tiredness does contribute to aggressive behavior as this study suggests, a significant proportion of bullying in children might be eliminated by efforts to reduce children's daytime sleepiness.

"We know that the pre-frontal cortex area of the brain is sensitive to sleep deprivation, and this area is also related to emotional control, decision making and social behavior," says O'Brien. "So impairment in the prefrontal cortex may lead to aggression or disruptive behavior, delinquency or even substance abuse. But the good news is that some of these behaviors can be improved. Sleep-disordered breathing can be treated, and schools or parents can encourage kids to get more sleep."

O'Brien recommends parents remove electronic devices from bedrooms and encourage children to sleep for the recommended amount of time without interruption. Children in pre-school should sleep between 11-13 hours a night, and school-aged children between 10-11 hours of sleep a night.

"Given the high prevalence of aggressive, bullying and disruptive behaviors in schools and the long-lasting consequences for both perpetrators and victims, more study on this issue is needed," she says.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Poor Sleep Can Accelerate Aging

New research published in the journal Sleep finds that poor sleep in middle-aged adults can lead to dementia at an earlier than normal age.

Read the full article by clicking here.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Tidy Up And Make Your Bed! It Does Help Sleeping

When we were growing up, many of our parents told us to tidy our room and make the bed. I could never understand why it was so important to make the bed, especially as it was just going to be unmade again within half a day! I guess some of us still feel that way and do not believe it could in some way help sleeping.
It turns out that, as was often the case, Mum and Dad may have been right about this one but they may have seen it as a discipline only. 

A recent study suggests that a clean and tidy room may help sleeping.

Your bedroom is more than just the room that happens to house your bed -- it is your personal area for sleeping and a proper sleep environment is essential for a good night's rest. Cleaning the room to keep allergies at bay is very helpful if you suffer from seasonal or dust-related allergies but we mean doing more than just this. 
The research found that participants slept better when:
  • they made their beds every day
  • the bedding was clean and changed once a week
  • the bedrooms were dark and cool
  • they were using comfortable mattresses and pillows
Those taking part even reported that sheets with a fresh, clean scent helped them to sleep more easily.

A clean, cool, dark and comfortable atmosphere is needed to create an ideal sleeping environment. This is very important - particularly being comfortable!
The ideal sleep scenario calms all of your body's senses, inducing you to sleep. I think I've mentioned in a previous article, the positive significance that a cool bedroom temperature has on sleep. You must close your bedroom curtains or blinds and switch off all lights. A quiet room can be achieved by shutting off all electronics, including cell phones. If there are outside noises, try using a noise machine which many people find effective. (Available from Amazon - see My Favorites to the right on this page.)

Of course, if you cannot get comfortable, none of the above will make the slightest difference!

For some reason, the importance of comfort is often disregarded. Your mattress and pillow are fundamental to your sleep environment. Ensuring that they are suitable for you yet still providing support is the first and most crucial move towards a better sleep experience. 
You need to check your pillow to make sure it's not “dead”. The following is the simplest way:
  1. First lay your pillow across your arm and look at how it folds.
  2. Does it have a slight fold, but still sticks out at the ends? If so, then the structure of your pillow is fine.
  3. Does your pillow fold or flop over your arm resembling an old saddle-bag? That's a “dead” pillow and you need a new one!
If you're still not sure, try this test:
  1. Lay your pillow on your bed and fold it in half.
  2. Now place a shoe on top and let go.
  3. If the shoe flicks off, then your pillow is fine. If it is stays put, you need a new one!
Assuming you've got the above basics in place, you now must get into the habit of making the bed every day and creating a clean, cool, dark and peaceful atmosphere and this extra effort will definitely provide you with help sleeping.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New Product to Stop Snoring is Having Great Results

A new product to stop snoring is bringing relief to millions of snorers and their partners.  Asonor targets directly the primary cause of snoring by gently lubricating the mucous membrane of the soft palate and lightly tightening the muscles of the throat, both of which significantly reduce interference with breathing.

Recent research has found that in excess of 80% of those trying to find a long-term solution to stop snoring have failed and have been resorting to physical solutions like nudging or pushing with 1 in 5 even taking to sleeping in a separate room to get some decent sleep.  This situation can lead to resentment and anger on the partner's side and the snorer can feel guilt. Even  permanent damage to the relationship can result if the scenario continues.  Both parties are not getting the sleep they need and deserve to live healthy lives.

Asonor is the best and simplest product used on the market.  It is delivered by spraying the drops through the nostril and to the back of the throat every night before going to sleep.  It coats, lubricates and softens the mucous membrane and lightly tightens the musculature in the throat. It is clinically proven by University Hospitals in London and Copenhagen and in a new independent users' test, it was awarded No.1 overall, including price and performance.  The test included: mouth sprays, nasal strips, mouthpieces, pillows and Asonor Nose Drops.

So, if you or your partner want to stop snoring, this seems to be the simplest and effective tried and tested product to try.
A bottle yields approximately 1 month's supply and Amazon is offering $5 discount on the recommended price, plus free shipping.  Click on image below to buy:

Thursday, 31 March 2011

You Need Help Sleeping If You Want To Lose Weight

Recent research has discovered that you can double your likelihood of achieving your goal weight if you get between six and eight hours sleep each night.

If you sleep more, it will make you too inactive and if you sleep any less your stress levels will increase and at the same time you will crave unhealthy food.
The study in Portland, USA, by Kaiser Permanente, a health care consortium, revealed that people trying to lose 10lb or more were more likely to reach their target if they had lower stress levels and slept moderately.

472 overweight adult participants with an average age of 55 took part in the study.  They attended 22 behavioral counselling sessions, reduced their diet by 500 calories a day and increased the physical exercise they took to a minimum of 180 minutes per week.  They also had to keep a daily note of their habits, including their sleep patterns and stress levels.

Six months later, 60% of the people had lost at least 10lb.  Researchers found that the dieters who were successful were more likely to document that they had slept between 6 and 8 hours every night.  Almost three quarters of the participants who had both low stress levels and 6 to 8 hours sleep a night were likely to achieve the 10lb weight-loss target.  They were also twice as likely to be successful as those who reported the highest stress levels and 6 or less hours sleep each night.

"This study suggests that when people are trying to lose weight, they should try to get the right amount of sleep and reduce their stress," said chief author, Dr Charles Elder.  "Some people may just need to cut back on their schedules and get to bed earlier. Others may find that exercise can reduce stress and help them sleep.  For some people, mind-body techniques such as meditation also might be helpful."

The study was published in the International Journal of Obesity on March 29th 2011.

Conclusion:  You must get help sleeping if you want or need to lose weight.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

How Your Sleep Apnea Disorder Can Trash Your Diet!

According to the London Sleep Centre, about 6 percent to 8 percent of males over age 50 suffer from sleep apnea, while about 4 percent of females over 50 are afflicted.

The American Sleep Apnea Association defines obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) as a disorder that results in the soft tissues in the back of the throat temporarily collapsing and causing frequent interruptions in breathing.  When the airway is obstructed, the brain briefly arouses you in order to signal you to resume breathing, therefore resulting in disrupted or poor sleep patterns.

A new Harvard study reveals that OSA patients eat a less healthy diet than people without the disorder.  Test results showed that participants with OSA consumed 9 extra grams of saturated fat and 88 extra milligrams of cholesterol each day.

Researchers believe this may result in the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in OSA patients.  Raised blood pressure levels have also been reported in OSA patients. 

Severe OSA obviously should not be ignored.  By treating the symptoms early you can avoid other related health problems such as memory lapses, weight gain, sexual dysfunction and headaches.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Alcohol At Bedtime May Not Help Sleeping

Do you indulge in a nightcap to help sleeping? It may not be as effective as you had believed, new research suggests.

A large study on alcohol’s effects on sleep shows that drinking alcohol before bed may disrupt sleep and increase wakefulness, affecting women more than men. (The detailed research will be reported in the May 2011 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Researchers)

Leader of the study J.Todd Arnedt, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at the University of Michigan, says in a news release: “It’s clear that a substantial portion of the population uses alcohol on a regular basis to help with sleep problems. This perception may relate to the fact that alcohol helps people fall asleep quickly and they may be less aware of the disruptive effects of alcohol on sleep later in the night.”

The study, which included 93 healthy adults in their 20s (59 women and 34 men), took place over two nights, the first night with an alcoholic drink and the second night with a “placebo” drink.

The participants were monitored during their sleep and filled out questionnaires on sleepiness and sleep quality before bedtime and when awakened the next morning.

Alcohol and Sleep: Men versus Women


The findings showed that alcohol interfered in the women's sleep more than in the men's. Women’s total sleep time was reduced by 19 minutes, sleep efficiency decreased by 4%, and there was a 15-minute increase in the time they spent awake during the night after drinking alcohol, compared to the placebo night. Sleep continuity following an alcoholic drink compared to the placebo was not materially different in men.

These differences may be related to differences in alcohol metabolism,” states Arnedt, “since women show a more rapid decline in “breath alcohol” following alcohol consumption than men.”


To sum up, it seems that, for women, an alcololic drink before bedtime is not going to help sleeping. It remains to be seen what results a larger amount of alcohol before bedtime would produce with regard to sleep quality and it's my guess that, if this kind of experiment were carried out, it would conclude that both women and men are substantially affected and that their sleep quality is very poor. Forget the nightcap if you need help sleeping - it's counter-productive!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Sleep-deprived Britain: Two thirds of us suffer from debilitating insomnia

The following is an interesting article by Sophie Borland from the UK's Daily Mail today and it highlights what I already expected - this problem is almost epidemic and underestimated by those who do not suffer:

"If you woke up this morning feeling grumpy and fed up because you didn’t sleep well, you weren’t the only one.  Almost two thirds of us struggle to get a good night’s rest, according to research. The problem has become so bad, experts say it constitutes a major public health concern.

Some 60 per cent of adults admit they have a sleep problem and rarely get the recommended six or seven hours a night.  More than a third suffer from insomnia, and many have battled with the condition for years. Doctors warn that sleeplessness leads to depression, lack of concentration and an inability to carry out simple tasks.

According to the findings of a major report, insomniacs are four times more likely to suffer from relationship problems. They are also three times more likely to have difficulties concentrating or be in a bad mood and twice as likely to have energy slumps.

A quarter of adults have other sleep-related problems such as teeth grinding or sleep apnea – a disorder characterised by abnormal pauses in breathing which causes sufferers to wake up in the night.

Just 39 per cent of us sleep well, according to the survey of 5,300 by the Mental Health Foundation. It is calling for sleep campaigns to make the public more aware of the importance of getting a good night’s rest."
Read more at: Sleep Deprived Britain

A Quote to Help You Sleep Better?

"The good sleep better but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more"
Just think carefully about that one!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Extra Sleep May Help Kids' Weight

A recent study shows the positive effect, extra sleep can have on children and their weight.

The study in the Pediatrics Journal, shows sleeping-in on weekends, can help reverse the negative effects of irregular sleep patterns, on young bodies.

Doctors monitored sleep patterns and body masses for 300 kids, between the ages of four and ten. Children who didn't make up the sleep they lost during the week, gained more weight.

Children with increased body mass indexes, were more likely to be obese in their later years.

This report is from CBS 42 News. It reverses everything I learnt when I was young when I believed that sleeping more would make me fat! I guess we need the right amount of sleep to maintain our "normal" metabolism.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Your Snoring Could be a Symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Each pause in breathing during sleep is called an "apnea" and these disruptions can occur 5 to 30 times an hour and sometimes hundreds of times during the night. Each time an apnea occurs, the person awakes to resume breathing.  People nevertheless are often unaware that this is happening to them but the result is poor quality sleep and daytime fatigue. In fact 80% of sufferers are ignorant to the fact that these pauses in their sleep are taking place.

The Greek word "apnea" means "without breath," and there are three types of apnea: obstructive, central, and mixed. Out of the three, obstructive is the most common. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) affects 90% of total sufferers and is caused by a blockage of the airway, usually when the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses and closes during sleep. Snoring can indicate that the person may be affected by sleep apnea.

Untreated, as well as daytime tiredness, sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure and other cardiovascular disease, memory problems, weight gain, impotency, headaches and may be responsible for job impairment and motor vehicle crashes. Sleep apnea can be diagnosed and treated and, indeed, if you feel any concern that you have this problem to a severe and distressing degree, you MUST consult a medical practitioner. Several treatment options exist and research into additional treatments continues.

However, snoring does not usually mean that you have OSA but can be a problem in itself by waking you up intermittently or anyone around you! I've discovered some throat exercises which are effective in strengthening the muscles of the upper respiratory tract, thus helping to stop snoring and they are also beneficial in cases of mild to moderate OSA. They cost you merely a little time and discipline. Do these daily and increase the times a little after a few days, as you would with normal muscle exercises:

1. Repeat each vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u) out loud for 3 minutes throughout the day.
2. Place the tip of your tounge behind your top front teeth. Slide your tongue backwards for 3 minutes a day.
3. Close your mouth and purse your lips. Hold for 30 seconds.
4. With your mouth open, move jaw to left and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on right.
5. With mouth open, contract the muscle at the back of your throat repeatedly for 30 seconds. To help with this, look in the mirror at the back of your throat and watch the uvula (the dangly bit!) move up and down.

Singing is also recommended to tighten lax throat muscles. (Possibly an exercise to do alone, particularly if tone-deaf!).

There are many more exercises and steps you can take to help stop snoring and improve your night-time breathing so I recommend that you take a look at Christian Goodman's "Stop Snoring Exercise Program" where he offers further exercises and tips. There are many testimonials from people who have found his program very effective and some clients claim to be cured from their sleep apnea too. He also shows a free exercise on the page to relax a tense jaw which is a common reason for snoring. Here's the link:
Click Here!

Sleep in Animals

Not only can ducks sleep with one eye shut, the same happens with their brains. Much of what a bird sees in one eye goes to the other side of its brain, which allows it to sleep with the side of the brain connected to the closed eye, while the other side of the brain stays awake.

Dolphins and some other whales have developed this "half-asleep" technique to even more sophisticated degree, so that they can continue swimming, surfacing and breathing. After an hour or so like this the roles reverse, the sleeping side waking up and the other side going to sleep. Like ducks, dolphins sleep with one eye open.

Migrating birds and albatrosses at sea fly for days at a time; it's not yet known whether they sleep on the wing or simply deprive themselves of sleep.

The record for the longest sleeper goes to the South American two-toed sloth, which spends around 20 hours a day asleep, up in the highest branches of the rainforest. Antelopes are fitful sleepers, sleeping in herds, with only those at the centre of the herd able to sleep safely. Being on the perimeter means either no sleep or becoming someone's dinner.

There are no permanent non-sleepers in the animal kingdom, which points towards sleep having essential life-preserving purpose.

I do however wish I had the ability to sleep with one eye open - could be very useful!